Secure authentication with Google OAuth and email OTP using Clerk
Manage your account information with Clerk
Showcases trending podcasts, recent podcasts, top creators, and more
Features backward/forward controls, as well as mute/unmute functionality
File uploads and text-to-speech audio generation with form validation
Generate audio with 5 voice presets from Unreal Speech AI
Find new podcasts with search functionality
View your recently played podcasts
View your saved podcasts
View podcast information, including creator details, number of plays, and transcript. Edit, delete, or get a link to share
View a creator's number of listeners, number of plays, and podcasts
Choose a subscription plan to get a verified badge
Manage billing information and create checkout sessions with Stripe's API integrations
Switch between light, dark, and system themes
A seamless experience on all devices
Less bad JavaScript
UI framework
Fullstack React framework
Utility-first CSS framework
Real-time TS backend
Payment processing